Manpower Services
Hiring the right manpower is the most important factor with respect to the success quotient of a business entity, department or process. However, aiming towards limiting of liability and owing to the time constraint of recruiting manpower directly, outsourcing of non core competencies is on rise. In response to the industry’s growing demands for provisioning of locally based and managed resource service, Entellus Security and Allied Services Pvt. Ltd. has developed a fully Integrated Manpower Provisioning Services, Human Resourcing, Contracting, Recruitment and Training Facility across multiple domain. We are developing our competence to be one of the major suppliers of competent manpower to the varied clientele that we have.
Team Work

Highly Skilled

Management Support Services
In our Management Support Services we offer provisioning of personnel trained in various fields like general liaison, with dealers/vendors or local authorities. Reception personnel, mail room attendants, office runners/peons, catering personnel for in‐ house canteens and various other personnel to carryout daily tasks effectively. The general works includes the under‐mentioned tasks.


Mail Room Attendant

Office Attendants

Pantry Services